
UMass Regulation: Sylvia Participates in Panel Dialogue on Synthetic Intelligence

UMass Regulation: Sylvia Participates in Panel Dialogue on Synthetic Intelligence


UMass Regulation UMass Legislation: Sylvia Participates in Panel Dialogue on Synthetic Intelligence

Sylvia Participates in Panel Dialogue on Synthetic Intelligence


UMass Legislation’s Erica Sylvia was invited to participate on a panel hosted by the Sturgis Library entitled: AI & You


Brian Bergstein, Ben Pring, Erica Sylvia, and Gabrielle Faria-Kalkanis


UMass Legislation’s Erica Sylvia was invited to participate on a panel hosted by the Sturgis Library entitled: AI & You. The dialogue focused on generative synthetic intelligence and the completely different methods it impacts the methods we, as a society, dwell and get the job achieved.

Sylvia was joined by different tech optimists: Brian Bergstein, Deputy Operating Editor of The Boston Globe’s Ideas Portion, and Ben Pring, futurist and author with intensive experience on chopping-edge issues of firm and engineering.  Presenters talked about their ordeals with AI and the disruptions, every beneficial and damaging, this type of technological innovation has induced of their fields of do the job.  The panel was moderated by Sturgis Libarian and UMass Dartmouth alumna, Gabrielle Faria-Kalkanis (’14). 

The dialogue was adopted by a spirited Q&A session, and touched on subjects this form of as: how customers can uncover AI the present regulatory schematic (or lack thereof) regardless of if customers should perception AI and suggested finest ways for risk-free and moral employs of those technological innovation. The appliance was produced possible by the MidCape Cultural Council. 



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Written by bourbiza mohamed

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